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What Does Manuscript Magician Do?

Manuscript Magician provides copy editing, rewriting, fact checking, streamlining, and light developmental editing. I can advise you about queries, content placement, characters, tone, and other choices. I even ghostwrite.

What do clients say?*

"I cannot stress enough how happy I am that you and I worked together on [my manuscript]. You helped me tremendously, not only with the spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure, but also with ideas, content, and material."
—John Nicholas Cassel (after publication)

"I'm loving the edits and suggestions so far. Keep 'em coming. I went back and read the manuscript from the beginning, post-edit. I was like, 'Wow! This is GREAT!'"

—John Nicholas Cassel (during editing)

"Chelsea is a doll to work with and does a thorough job with both editing and manuscript critiquing."

—Lisa Pellegrini

InsightCuba president Tom Popper calls my work "perfect!" and "excellent," and says, "love these edits!"

"Seriously wonderful job! This is terrific!"

—Melissa B.

"Really, this is terrific!!" says ghostwriting client Joanne G, about our book proposal. "You are totally on the right track. There was nothing I wanted to change. I was really excited as I read it."

 "You nailed it! Thank you so much. You really really helped me. Your edits made all the difference!"

—Meredith R.


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